You can make an appointment as early as two weeks in advance.
We will contact you via email after you submit your online reservation.
In addition to online reservations, we also offer LINE and phone reservations.
Please feel free to inquire.

*If you have set up a domain blacklist for your inbox, please add our email address to your inbox whitelist.

E-mail (for confirmation)Required
Phone numberRequired
Reservation timeRequired
Preferred Course
Preferred OptionRequired
Dating time change(Star course only)
Shower partner(+1,500)
Late night service time(+2,000)starting after 24:00.
Daytime discount(-1,000)until 17:00
Special clothing(+2,000)Normal service package only.
Newcomer Discount(-1,000)
Random BOY(-1,000)
Coupon discount(Please enter the coupon code below.)

Preferred BOY
Suggestions, questions, inquiries for Play

Option pricing
Total(Tax included)


*If you have set up a domain blacklist for your inbox, please add our email address to your inbox whitelist.